I am completely taken with these animals. Coyotes are quite beautiful. I saw another one (total count 3 since March) while biking to work Saturday. While pedaling through the rolling grounds of the R. hospital I saw a coyote standing on a lawn looking into the tall grass. S/he was clearly hunting for something tasty.
It's funny how for the second time the coyote is aware that I'm there, but doesn't look directly at me. Her/his head turned and followed me as I passed as if sensing me, but not seeing me, being also aware of all it's surroundings.
Wild and confident I definitely feel like these coyotes own the land and we are merely in its way to roaming freely. However, they seem to be doing just fine.
When I was camped in the Crowsnest last summer, we awoke early one morning and watched a fox come into the campground quietly shopping for breakfast. It was amazing how much food campers foolishly leave around. The fox would find something good, carry it away, and come back 10 minutes later, looking for more goodies. We watched it steal 4 or 5 items from various campsites before we left the site.
another fox story. Many years ago at 2 in the morning, we were looking out our window in N.B. and noticed a beautiful blondish red animal strolling past on top of the crusty snow. It was so close to the house and it had no idea we could see. I felt privileged. As for the much maligned coyote, is there anything more hauntingly beautiful than its cry on a moon filled night.
Coyotes are extremely resourcefull and adaptable. They can thrive just about anywhere. I haven't seen one yet in my time here, though; I hope to soon.
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