Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Uh-oh it's VeganMofo time and I'm not even cooking tonight!

First an update on the run. It went great. I felt good with no pain in my calf. I pushed it really hard and knocked five minutes off last years time which means I managed a 1:54 finish just as i did this past May in Vancouver. I'm happy with that result.

Tonight I had more physio and she thinks one more session should do it. I'm happy with that result too.

Now how to start my VeganMofo? An introduction?

Vegan food is part of my vegan lifestyle. The way I like to cook is mostly by feel. By this I mean, some days I can look in the fridge and pull together whatever is in there and create something quick and nutritious (nutrition is important and not just because I'm vegan, but also because my running is important to me), or on other days I'll look at an ingredient in the fridge and flip through my vegan cookbooks to find something that appeals to me. If I don't have all the ingredients I don't sweat it, because I'll sub in another ingredient which often results in something new and wonderful .

Tonight db is cooking a stir-fry that I'm about to sample. It's one of those what's in the fridge meals. db is the champion of "winging it." He'll go into the kitchen and say "I'll just wing something" and turn out a beautiful meal in no time.

Tomorrow's topic:
My favorite cookbooks.


Bex said...

I love random frige meals.

Red said...

Most men are great at winging it in the kitchen. I need a more structured approach, though!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the Trail Run! And, mmmm, stir-fry. db sounds like a keeper! :)