Wednesday, January 04, 2006

more of the cast

Name: Rupert
Age: 3 years
Favorite Food: anyone else's
Favorite Toy: Paper balls on the kitchen tile
Favorite place to sleep: hallway on the dog pillow

Rupert arrived in 2003. L. started feeding him on her deck and he never left again. We saw him the previous winter, recognizing him as the very shy grey tabby who would run at the sight of a human. He's still very shy with new people and sometimes even with us here at home. He's having BIG issues with the new kitty Ruggles. When will he get use to the new cat? When will Rupert be his old self again? That's yet to be determined.

Name: Chengo/Limoncello
Age: 5
Favorite Food: T.D.
Favorite Toy: Rupert (and his tall post that D. built)
Favorite place to sleep: blue fleece cat bed

Chengo was a scrawny mess when he showed up on L's deck. (Yes, as you've figured out, many cats start looking for food on L's deck. I think word got out in the cat community that she's just that kind). He was quite filthy and not quite full grown. We tried to take him to the Whoville humane society, but they refused to take a stray cat (at the time they were having some financial and other troubles -- they're much better now). We had to bring him home and L. hoped that she could find him a home on her own. I need to say more? Look at that face. It didn't take long before he won her heart completely. He might be a bit spoiled, but what cat shouldn't be spoiled? Chengo loves Rupert. He was so happy when Rupert moved in. He swats at Rupert and then lies on his back, waiting for Rupert to attack. We think it's love. Chengo also dislikes Ruggles, but his moods swing and sometimes he doesn't even acknowledge Ruggles existence. Chengo and Rupert have been known recently to corner Ruggles so that Ruggles can't move around the house and find important spots like the cat box! More on that story later.

Name: Penelope/Penny
Age: ? 9 we think?
Favorite Food: Wellness Chicken
Favorite Toy: Blue ball
Favorite place to sleep: on the floor vent in the living room or on Rupert

Penny lived most of her life in the alleys of Montreal. Fortunately, that street has a cat woman who cares for all of the street cats. She recognized that Penny was very sick one winter and managed to catch her. Penny had pneumonia and spent a lot of time at the vet. Penny was diagnosed with FIV. L. heard of her story and resolved to move Penny in as soon as she could, knowing that Penny would be difficult to adopt out. Penny is a survivor. She's lost most of her teeth now (Gummilope), but her health is pretty good overall. She really rules the roost with a monarch's heir about her. She keeps Rupert in his place (licking his fur the wrong way and the occasional swat to the head, and she lets the others know who is boss. She just sits back and watches the boys and their circus activities as they try to sort out who is top cat amongst them (it's really just Rupert trying to sort this out -- even as I write this he is being scolded in the background for having attacked Ruggles yet again).

Name: Ruggles
Age: ? 4
Favorite Food: Any food. He's just happy to eat.
Favorite Toy: catnip mouse
Favorite place to sleep: on the bed against the pillow next to L. (sorry Rob)

Ruggles is the newbie. He's the disruptor, but is the most passive cat I've ever met. He just likes to follow L around the house and is happy to do nothing but lie back and relax. He too is a stray. He was hiding under our front porch quite terrified of anything that came within two feet of him. Odd for a Persian to be a stray, but...we fed him and one day L. just picked him up and carried him into the house. Once again, she was certain she'd find a home for him, and we took photos to post etc etc, but her concern for Ruggles well-being grew and her love for him grew even more he is. Ruggles really wants to be left alone to enjoy his life eating, cleaning and being around L. Rupert is really making it difficult though.

So, L. is off to Montreal to do a play. She has a friend staying who loves cats and will be looking after them for just over two weeks. After that I take over looking after the brood and will update at that time how it's all going. Will Rupert and Chengo declare their love for one another? Will Penny get to run around on the deck and maybe even up on the railing? Will Ruggles get to eat in peace? Will Rupert...will Rupert ever adjust? Poor Rupie.

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