Sunday, March 01, 2009

Detox day 1

So far so good. I'm glad I started on the first of March. It's the first it's the beginning of a new month and the signs of spring are back.

It's not a big shift for me since I'm vegan and have been decaffeinated since the last detox (last May?).

I thought I'd try to keep track of my menus I come up through the week. I'll try to take some photos to make it a little more interesting.

So on today's exciting menu:

  • protein shake
  • chai tea
  • rice cakes with almond butter
  • veggie & avocado rice wrap
  • another protein shake
  • rice pasta with tomato basil sauce
  • green salad with apples and radishes
  • lots of water
Don't get too excited by the menu. Tomorrow? I'll wait and see.


S.M. Elliott said...

I have to admit I don't know much about detoxing. What is it supposed to do, exactly?

sp said...

SME:a detox is about removing toxins from your body that can build up over time. These can come from the air you breath or the food you eat (too many processed foods etc). It's a way of cleansing your body.