I knew it was a possibility. After db told me about the Blues signing their defenseman Jackman to a four year deal I was greatly relieved. However, this created a new fear and now I've just heard that Bryce Salvador was traded to the Devils for the Blues to acquire Cam Janssen.
The radio sports news is saying no big trades have happened yet with the deadline just hours away, but to me this is a big deal! I just posted the story about the Salvador and Mayers friendship and both being on the Blues for so long. Two players I'd be sad to see go and now he's gone to the devils. I was really hoping they'd trade McKee from their defense instead but alas no. I know, I know it's a business and the Blues have a strong defense but still...
OMG, sp, from the title and first sentence of your post I thought a cat had run away or something and my heart sank. I think I do too much animal work. So glad to hear it's "just" sports! Not to diminish your disappointment, of course! :)
So sorry for the scare v.r.a. That would be a good cat name though. We've already named our beloved Gigi after the great Gigi Buffon, keeper for Juventus and the Italian national soccer team. It really suits her and she found us when Italy won the world cup.
No need to apologize! But I'm glad your kitties are OK. And, ha ha, I figured Gigi was named after the character in the musical. I'm not so much a sports person apparently, lol!
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