Bernard was in a carrier at the store when my sister picked him up. He hid under her bed and hissed and growled. It didn't take him long to come out and get some love from her and meet the other cats.
Bernard moved to his new home today with a very loving couple who have another rather shy cat. I think they're going to all be happy.
My sister misses Bernard a lot. She had him for almost a week and thought about keeping him. At least she has her other four kitties to cheer her up and they do since they are quite the cast of characters.
This is Ruggles. He adores my sister and follows her everywhere. He was the only one who really liked Bernard, but then he's easily entertained isn't he?
Yay! I love animal stories with happy endings. Your sister was so sweet to take Bernard and find him a home. :)
Oh Ruggles...that is the cutest picture I've seen of him...he's really not a cat you know. He's a person. md
what a fine looking little cat!
How adorable, really. I too love happy animal stories. That little white one is the best!!!!!
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