Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tarantella Calabrese - D' Aspromonte (Reggio Calabria)

a brief one, but it's from the region that db's mom is from so I thought I should add this.


mister anchovy said...

Both videos are delightful.

I wonder if there is a law in Italy that says that when you play tamborine accompanying a button accordion player, that you have to have a cigarette dangling from your mouth while you play. I couldn't help but notice this was the case in both videos.

Watching these it occurred to me that a tarantella is not dissimilar in feel to a jig. For instance, check out: or or

Anonymous said...

Seeing the videos made me think of what I miss most about Xmas without you guys...db's mom and brother dancing the post pasta tarantella.

sp said...

mister anchovy: db and I noticed the same thing. There were other videos we saw too with a cigarette smoking tambourine player.

I like the 3rd video you linked here with the sports highlights on the t.v. in the background. A Newfoundland jig and a bit o' hockey.