Sunday, August 20, 2006

3 days free!

True, I did just come back from vacation, but it's been a long week of working and getting over my cold that still lingers (I believe today will be the last day of it!). I don't go back to work until Wednesday and that suits me just fine. I'll have time to get beyond my one day of getting laundry and cleaning done. D. has already done the cleaning so I'm well ahead of the game now. What an exciting life I lead.

Last night it was catering in the long sleeves and long pants in humid weather again. Whew. The house we were in had no air except for the bedroom where we were fortunately given access to to change and leave our stuff in. It was a cocktail party, a small celebration for a wedding. Two men had married that morning and used the party to announce it to their friends. It was a really nice party actually and the people were great. The downside were the stairs we had to keep running up and down to get from the kitchen to the backyard. Fortunately the rain had stopped permitting all those people to congregate outside as opposed to the inside sauna.
On my way home I got lost going from Davis whoville to Forest whohill. There's a weird little jog via a park and I missed it and ended up on the wrong road, biking through the dark empty streets of Forest whohill until I finally found a road I recognized and stuck to it. My map wasn't helping me any. I was better off with my instincts. Forsest whohill is so quiet at 11 at night on a Saturday. There are no people on the streets or sounds from the houses. It's a poorly lit neighbourhood so it's not pedestrian friendly. People light their trees from the ground or their front entrance if they want to show that off, but street lights are few and far between. It's a little eerie with the trees lit so they are shadowed above. It's very Halloween. I know there must have been a catered party somewhere in one of those homes, but it seemed dead silent last night. Then I crossed the "border" into the regular old city at just the edge of the Annex. Cars, lights and people come from everywhere. As I drove along Davenwhoport, I heard a live reggae band coming from somewhere between where I was and St. Clair. Once I hit Bloor it was like arriving in New York with all the activity and noise. Quite a change.
Finally I reached home and D. had pizza waiting for me. Yummy. We had peppers and zucchini from our garden on it and the sauce was made with tomatoes from the garden. It was incredible.

I slept in until 9 am this morning. Woo hooville! Gigi woke me running around the room with her paper ball she carried from some corner of the house. She trots around with it in her mouth until she finds a suitable playing spot to bat it around. This morning she figured the bedroom would be the best spot. Then, she ran out of steam with that game and went for my feet and that kept her busy for some time. Prima showed up and then Svetlana finally appeared. There's no staying in bed once those three get the circus going.

So now I'm going to do some gardening and then sort through my old books since it's time to start packing up some things. We're moving soon. Sis is putting the house on the market and we need to make the place look sparse and partially furnished, unlived in but not too empty. Strange what you need to do to sell a house. Sis and a friend fixed up the laundry room and we're having fun making it look all Martha Stewart monoculture. Fun, fun, fun.

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