Saturday, November 19, 2005

who is whoville?

For me "whoville" was a village of Fisher Price little people that was my playworld circa 1972 or 3? to 1979? In this world I had an entire community of characters that had their own identities, relationships, homes, jobs etc etc. There were main characters and sub-characters that got to participate in various journeys of my childhood world.

The main house my father built for me that was double sided and open. It did not close up like the store bought Fisher Price house that was on the market at the time. While I still longed for this pre-fab house as seen in the sears catalogue, I loved the sturdy wooden house that was painted the same colours of our own home on the end of that village road in Grand Bay, N.B., which was white with green trim. My mother did the interior decorating using mac tac to tile the kitchen and small pieces of carpeting to warm the floors. She even drew picture frames on the walls.

The house boat was also a main feature for me since it was entertaining in the bath. For some time I believe I had the A-frame house that was used more as a secondary home to the main family. I may have even housed the secondary characters in there.

I can pretend that the pleasure I had in playing with these toys fulfilled me in other ways that my dysfunctional real home life didn't, but I'm not sure I would have played with them in any other way had my own home environment been more positive. I do recall that my whovilles (as I and the whole family called them) pretty much went about their daily lives in somewhat mundane ways such as, driving to work, sitting around the table having dinner, going for groceries etc. They lived much the same life as my own family did, but without the parental and sibling conflicts. Conflict that arose was more centred around search and rescues, trips to hospitals, and being saved from drowning while vacationing on the houseboat. This way I could use all of the pieces I had collected (the ambulance, police car, and rowboat attached to the larger boat).

So what does all of this mean for the whoville blog? It will also contain characters, resolve conflicts, and use the tools provided to explore what is going on in my present world and is a place to explore the past as nostalgia.

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