Now, the courses are over and I've got my evenings free again to do a little more blogging.
Here's a quick update:
- Did well in school. Good marks in both classes. I was exhausted though, and am so glad to be done.
- Work is work and I'm doing my best to stay positive right now. There have been some changes. I might get into that later.
- Starting grad school (again!) in the fall at UBC in the library program. It seems really unbelievable right now, but it will be all too real very soon.
- Dirty Duo race went well, but led to a calf injury. The last 5 k of the race was killer and I was all alone. Wah!
- Still running trails and have had some great runs. I am currently training for Iron Knee 25 k. You may recall that I ran the 15k Tender Knee last year. It was my first long trail run.
- Didn't make it into the Knee Knacker 50k. My name wasn't drawn in the lottery, but am setting my sights on a 50k in the fall. Baker Lake maybe? Might do a 30k in July if possible. It'd be a good warm up for the longer distance in the fall.
- I am completely obsessed with watching the bird cams at Cornell. I've been watching since late March. There's a heron cam and a hawk cam. I've seen eggs laid, owl attacks, and chicks hatch. It's been pretty amazing.
- Let's Go Blues! Blues are through the first round of the play-offs!!!!
It's nice to be back.