Monday, June 01, 2009

Has it really been so long since I wrote on my blog? We must be having some pretty spectacular weather and I've been busy finishing up the details of our new place, including the garden details.

Here's our patio. I've set clematis against the poles and there's also one against the fence in this picture. The one on the fence probably won't bloom this year since that type of clematis needs to bloom on last year's growth and I had to cut last year's growth so I could bring the plant with me. Oh well, next year.

We've set up our rolling composter against the fence. We'll use it until the new bins arrive at the end of June. We're getting green waste bins when the city changes over to automated garbage pick-up. The bins will have special clips on them to keep the bears out. After that I suppose we'll use the compost just enough to keep some going for the garden. Looking at this picture I feel I could double the pots. I may have to go up the pole and hang some more plants.

We refurbished the raised beds and filled them with the garden I brought with me. There are 3 roses that were already there so I just pruned and staked them. Two of them have buds so we'll see what they produce. It's a pretty shady yard so I'm not sure how well these roses can do.

The other rhodos are at the end of their blooming, but there are two along the fence that are in full bloom now and the colour is very striking.
Here's our little patio.

Because Sunday was so beautiful, I thought it would be nice to go to the beach. We were heading into the city to see a movie at the Doxa film festival anyway so I thought we may as well head to the water.

We parked at Spanish banks and walked along the path. There's a nice view of the city from the beach. I like the downtown from here.
It's hard to see but there were scads of sailboats on the water. There were almost as many boats on the water as there were people on the beach. I also noticed that people were quite far out and seemed not to be only up to their waists in water. I guess that's why the boats are so far out.

Finally, this one is for my brother, a Chicago fan. Who knew the Blackhawks were retro? The only thing missing from the photo is the sound of db laughing.

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